Địa điểm: 95-97 Nguyễn Cơ Thạch, Phường An Lợi Đông, Thành phố Thủ Đức, TP HCM


Established in 2015, Silentium specializes in building and consulting on software products from Germany to Vietnam, creating waves of innovation.

Silentium has been established in 2015 (formerly known as EgoPulse) and is located in the heart of Saigon. We are a software consulting company focusing on building products for our partners, mainly in Europe.

At Silentium, we value attitude the most. We play, we fail, and we learn, as a team. To fuel the growth, we are always welcoming energetic members to share the journey of learning and discovery. We want to work with people who will ask questions when they don't know something. People who are curious and will teach us something new. People who have empathy for our partners and their coworkers. People will tell us when something needs to change. And especially, people who want to be better than they are today.
Silentium has been contributing to proven proof-of-concept through platforms in Germany and Vietnam, focusing on user-centric product development and meeting up-to-date privacy and security demands.

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