Nami Foundation

Địa điểm: Bến Vân Đồn, Quận 4, HCM


Founded in 2017 in Singapore, Nami Foundation (previously known as Nami Corp) is a pioneer organization in the field of digital assets and financial technology in Vietnam, focusing on developing innovative financial technology products.
Nami Foundation ecosystem providing the basis for the creation of our initial offerings such as Nami Assistant, Nami Exchange, Nami Insurance, and Nami Frames (NAO). These applications are designed to equip investors with the means to maximize efficiency and mitigate risk.
By empowering, collaborating, and reinvesting in surplus products from our projects, Nami Foundation renovates the typical traditional growth model by step-by-step developing the community's well-being. As a result, all members possess the right to vote and steer the organization's development toward the common objective.

Quyền lợi nhân viên

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Nami Foundation
Thoả thuận
Hà Nội
Nami Foundation
Thỏa thuận
Hà Nội
Nami Foundation
4 - 5 triệu VNĐ
Hà Nội
Nami Foundation
8 - 13 triệu VNĐ
Hà Nội

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