bouygues construction it vn

Địa điểm: Tòa nhà Etown, 364 Cộng Hòa, Phường 13, Quận Tân Bình, TP HCM


Bouygues Construction Information Technologies (BYCN IT) is the IT branch of Bouygues Construction, a global player in the building, civil works, energies and services sectors. Bouygues Construction operates at all points of the value chain of projects: finance, design, construction and facilities management (operation and maintenance). On every continent, our employees devise and develop solutions that help improve the environment and everybody's lives. As part of Bouygues Construction, the mission of BYCN IT is to provide the members of Bouygues Construction with IT services of high-quality fitting with their businesses and to deploy solutions to improve communication and people collaboration through worldwide network. BYCN IT has offices in France, Morocco and Vietnam. We are looking forward to cooperating with talented and motivated people.

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bouygues construction it vn
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Hồ Chí Minh

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