Công ty TNHH Kamereo

Địa điểm: The Manor 2, 91 Nguyễn Hữu Cảnh, Phường 22, Quận Bình Thạnh, TP HCM


KAMEREO is the first tech-enabled supplier in Vietnam. We supply to hundreds of restaurants, cafes, bars, and hotels. Our customers place the daily orders via our in-house applications. We keep improving them to provide a better experience for our customers. The engineering team at KAMEREO also builds & operates the internal applications to support the daily activities of our internal users such as customer support members and warehouse teams.

Quyền lợi nhân viên

Cơ hội thăng tiến
Công ty TNHH Kamereo
Thỏa thuận
Hồ Chí Minh
Công ty TNHH Kamereo
7 - 20 triệu
Hồ Chí Minh, Bình Dương
Công ty TNHH Kamereo
8 - 12 triệu VNĐ
Hồ Chí Minh

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