Công Ty TNHH Vận Tải Sk Việt Nam

Địa điểm: Tòa nhà Lotus, 16 Cửu Long Phường 2, quận Tân Bình


SK Aviation was founded with the aim of meeting the growing demand of the aviation market. We are expected to be one ofthe best GSA in Viet Nam through offering scheduled cargo and passenger services to many destinations. As the GSA of international airlines, we provide with the highest standards... SK Aviation was founded with the aim of meeting the growing demand of the aviation market. We are expected to be one ofthe best GSA in Viet Nam through offering scheduled cargo and passenger services to many destinations. As the GSA of international airlines, we provide with the highest standards...

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Sản phẩm công nghệ số Make In Viet Nam 2023.