GEEK Up Software Development

Địa điểm: 244 Huỳnh Văn Bánh, phường 11, Phú Nhuận, Hồ Chí Minh


GEEK Up is the bond of badass Tech savvy, designer and thinker who want to win heart, mind and market via better products. To make it happen, our journey in software development starts with a simple notion: focus on how to solve user's need and make sure we build the right thing. By using a lean... GEEK Up is the bond of badass Tech savvy, designer and thinker who want to win heart, mind and market via better products. To make it happen, our journey in software development starts with a simple notion: focus on how to solve user's need and make sure we build the right thing. By using a lean...

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GEEK Up Software Development
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GEEK Up Software Development
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