Platinimlist Limited Liability


Established in 2006 - Sells over 1,500,000 tickets annually - Developed fully in house in Europe. Constantly evolving. - Operating in 6 countries OUR CLIENTS - Ocial Presence in Manila and Ho Chi Minh City A leading ticketing solution with 1.2m existing customers worldwide. - Vietnam Partner... Established in 2006 - Sells over 1,500,000 tickets annually - Developed fully in house in Europe. Constantly evolving. - Operating in 6 countries OUR CLIENTS - Ocial Presence in Manila and Ho Chi Minh City A leading ticketing solution with 1.2m existing customers worldwide. - Vietnam Partner...

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Startup Việt xuất sắc 2019 do VNExpress tổ chức.

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Doanh nghiệp khởi nghiệp sáng tạo Việt Nam - Hội đồng tư vấn kinh doanh ASEAN bình chọn.

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