Mô tả công việc
We are looking for anAzure cloudinfrastructure and DevOps Engineer (all genders) who loves building top-notch SAAS products while creating infrastructure, tools, templates, and many more that enable colleagues to ship value at unprecedented speed to customers. You will work on one of our core SAAS systems utilizing state-of-the-art technology.
Managing thecloudservicessuchasVMs,databases,storages,andothercloudservices
Ensuring theperformance, availability, scalability, andsecurity
Managingthebackupanddisasterrecovery solutions
Optimizing thedatacentercost
Maintaining and developing the DevOps:
Maintaining and developing CI/CD pipelines, automated deployment processes, and Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
Maintaining and developing IaC scripts, templates, and configuration management tools
Managing the system security:
Maintaining and developing the policies, procedures, and controls to ensure compliance with ISO 27001, PCI DSS, SOC 1&2
Monitoring and analyzing the security logs, events, and alerts to ensure system security
Preparing and participating in the ISMS internal and external audits
Yêu cầu
Comprehensiveknowledge experience ofcloud computing models (IaaS,PaaS, SaaS),virtualization,serverandstoragemanagement,networking,andsecurityoncloudsuchasAzure(preferable)
Experience withoperatingsystemssuchasLinuxandWindowsServer,especiallyinthecloudenvironment
Goodknowledge of network architecture,protocols, and security, especially cloud-basedserviceslikeVirtualPrivateClouds,LoadBalancers
GoodknowledgeandexperienceofCI/CDautomatedprocess,toolsandframeworksuchasJenkins, GitLab, Travis CI
Experience withcloud-basedmonitoring and troubleshootingtools like Azure Monitor, PRTG,Prometheus, Grafana...
Understandingofsecurityprinciples,protocols, practicesandframeworkinthecloudsuchasIdentity andAccessManagement(IAM),dataencryptionandprotection,OWAPS,SANS,NIST
Excellentcommunication andcollaborationskillswhileworking withdevelopmentteam,ITteams,andotherstakeholders inbothEnglish andVietnamese
Quyền lợi
Full salary and benefits as an official employee on probation.
Hybrid working model
Open and flat environment, highly appreciate your idea and constantly supporting your skill development.
Innovative and international learning and development program, we dedicate to supporting employees' growth and development of skills.
Challenging products with onsite opportunities in Europe (Germany, Australia, Poland, etc.)
13th-month salary & short-term incentives: we offer incentives as defined by the company's success in the previous year.
15+ annual leaves per year.
Full healthcare compliance.
Premium healthcare for employees.
Gifts for every special occasion.
Supportive working conditions: Laptop, MS Surface Hub.
Free and unlimited snacks, tea, coffee, and by-choice request.
Premium company trip & business traveling programs and other exciting activities.
Thông tin khác
Địa điểm làm việc
- Tòa nhà Anna, Công viên phần mềm Quang Trung, Phường Tân Chánh Hiệp, Quận 12,Hồ Chí Minh
Việc làm Hồ Chí Minh
Việc làm Quận 12