Mandila Beach Hotel

Địa điểm: 218 Võ Nguyên Giáp, Phước Mỹ , Quận Sơn Trà , Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam


Enveloping yourself in a refreshing luxury with the stunning ocean view and the beach is just at your doorstep. Indulging a breathtaking oceanfront views, elegant accommodations, and the nearby world most fascinating beach chosen by Forbes Magazine. Let's start an enchanting departure from Mandila ... Enveloping yourself in a refreshing luxury with the stunning ocean view and the beach is just at your doorstep. Indulging a breathtaking oceanfront views, elegant accommodations, and the nearby world most fascinating beach chosen by Forbes Magazine. Let's start an enchanting departure from Mandila ...

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Mandila Beach Hotel
Thỏa thuận
Đà Nẵng

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