Pao's Sapa Leisure Hotel

Địa điểm: Sapa, Lào cai


Nestled in a favourable hillside position, overlooking the spectacular view of majestic mountains, moss-green rice terrace plots and the poetic Muong Hoa valley, Pao's Sapa Leisure Hotel is the most luxurious five-star hotel in Sapa town. Owned and operated by CTX Holdings, Pao's Sapa Leisure... Nestled in a favourable hillside position, overlooking the spectacular view of majestic mountains, moss-green rice terrace plots and the poetic Muong Hoa valley, Pao's Sapa Leisure Hotel is the most luxurious five-star hotel in Sapa town. Owned and operated by CTX Holdings, Pao's Sapa Leisure...

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Nghỉ phép
Pao's Sapa Leisure Hotel
Thỏa thuận
Lào Cai

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